The Bandana Express tells the true story of the 1980 Giles Spartans and their young coach, Steve Ragsdale, as he strives to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Faced with a threat directed at his star player, Coach Ragsdale must find a way to lead his team forward and unify a fractured rural community. The underdog Spartans use grit and an old-fashioned offense to propel their improbable season toward an unforgettable finish. The Bandana Express is a nostalgic journey through sports and pop culture that will captivate football diehards and casual fans alike.

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The Bandana Express tells the true story of the 1980 Giles Spartans and their young coach, Steve Ragsdale, as he strives to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Faced with a threat directed at his star player, Coach Ragsdale must find a way to lead his team forward and unify a fractured rural community. The underdog Spartans use grit and an old-fashioned offense to propel their improbable season toward an unforgettable finish. The Bandana Express is a nostalgic journey through sports and pop culture that will captivate football diehards and casual fans alike.

Coming soon from Koehler Books.
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